Meet Our Staff
Current members of the Switzerland County Economic Development Corporation are:
Jon Bond, JD, CEcD
Jon Bond, JD, CEcD Jon Bond grew up in Switzerland County and serves as the President of the Switzerland County Economic Development Corporation. Prior to joining SCEDC, Jon served as Deputy Commissioner of Policy and Planning for the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, where he oversaw Indiana’s Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act.
Jon has also served as the Director of Operations for the Indiana Economic Development Council, where he participated in the creation of Indiana’s economic development strategy and assisted regions and communities across Indiana with economic development challenges ranging from broadband access to workforce development.
Jon is a graduate of Switzerland County High School, Hanover College, The Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis, The University of Oklahoma’s Economic Development Institute and holds a Master of Business Administration from Western Governor’s University.
As a certified economic developer and an attorney, Jon has served as legal counsel for public and non-profit organizations. Jon serves on the Board of Directors several local non-profits is a member of the Indiana Economic Development Association, The International Economic Development Council, and Southern Economic Development Council.